Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world. The female body is incredible, able to grow and sustain life all by itself!
I adore being able to breastfeed - It’s convenient, free and most of all, I love the feeling of closeness;with new born.
Every mother’s breastfeeding journey is unique and fraught with its own set of challenges. For some, it’s as easy as breathing while for others, it’s a constant uphill battle.
It all started when just an hour or so after my c-section, the nurse came and gave my new born munckin to me and said,
‘Feed your baby.’
At that time I was completely
Clueless about breastfeeding.It wasn't something I had thought.
Like most women, I was shown how to position myself,how to encourage a good latch by baby.
The first few seconds when the baby latches also hurt A LOT, probably more than the cramps. When Winter would latch, my toes curled and every muscle in my body tensed up. I had to practice a mindfulness exercise each time to remind myself to relax my face, my shoulders, my hands, my legs and my toes.;
Soon began expressing this just felt like the natural next step for me. By expressing, I felt it increased my milk production.
I was soooo thirsty when I used to breastfeed. Drinking from a water bottle with a straw like;thisone was a lifesaver.
Finally, it does get better, more beautiful;I’m glad I did it little by little because it was not easy for us. For several months, I was feeding Dhanvin on demand (at home, in public, inside, outside, you name it!) but once I decided that I wanted to have him weaned by the time he was 6 months old....
Smitha Prabhav
10 Apr 2019