Good evening buddies. Life has taken me this long and thanks to all my buddies, who are associated with me. I'm grateful for what I'm today.
I'm in here to share a serious issue that I really experienced and still I exist after being under so much trauma . Its because of BABY CHAKRA family I say and I have just to hands to hug the whole community. I thank one and all here. I'm glad to have been associated with such a humble and affectionate community. I'm a person of few words. But when it comes to people who are associated with me I extend myself to serve every person who needs me and I'm humbled.
This is me . But let me tell you something this is the person who was just under post-partum depression two and a half years before. It was the nightmare of my life. Never in my life have I been negative even in my worst days in my past when life had to show me only high tides and refused to be calm and blew me away with cyclones I stood tall and positive. But this word post-partum depression ruined my positivity, where did my strength go, where was that person in me who stood and fought the whole world when difficulties were only the meaning of life. All in vain. This depression Kew the candle of light in my life. I was terribly trying to hurt myself believe me I even thought of killing myself. Yes it's true... It was not because I did not have support. I had the whole lovely family around me to support, my lovable husband, my sweet heart, my son who I adore, needed no mention the tiny baby my lil son, who I had never expected.. Such a surprise. Though some thing was wrong with me, I felt alone in such a big family. That's what it is postpartum depression. I fought and fought and finally wanted to kill the thought. I mustered all the courage told myself in the middle of the night looked at all three of my life possible meaning that I should never feel lonely. Instead of saying why me I just told my enemy try me. That's when I decided to bei g out my passion for writing and helping moms of such a beautiful community. Now I proudly say I have written 38 articles, this will not end here my activities at our community reached 21000 and it will go on. There are about 20 articles at baby chakra. Yes, I'm happy I belong such lovable community with great friends supporting me here.
Moms please tag me in those places where moms are fighting difficult situation like how I suffered... I'm willing to help them to tell them they are no less than a miracle in the world. They mean a lot to them than anything around them.
Thank YOU it's just a simple word but I have to do justice
Revauthirajamani the proud mom
16 Nov 2018
Priya Sood
We all are so proud. I'm thrilled to be a part of this pillar community. We all Rock. Thank you MomStar <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @5f6e0b33c0de03004572c596 </b></span> . Your support too helps so many moms who feel down
18 Nov 2018
Vidya rathod
Hi Revauthi. You are such a strong person so fought with ppd. I can also relate to it as I suffered. I am not aware of what am doing at that time. It's horrible. Reva Love you so much yaar. U always helped me in my pregnancy and after delivery also. Thank you so much. <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @5f6e0b33c0de03004572c596 </span></b> .
18 Nov 2018
Naiyya Singh
@5f6e0b33c0de03004572c596 your story is so inspiring.. very few families actually talk about PPD and how it’s real and needs all the support it can get. How you used BabyChakra to combat it and get your inner strength back is one of the most empowering tales of impact I have ever seen. Kudos to you and agree : we each need to help so many other mothers in this journey... it’s just the beginning and stars like you will shine the way for the rest of us. @616d953f8054f30013c5b15a @6372f663e0852e00159b2b1b
18 Nov 2018
Krutika Gor
Omg... I'm so happy and proud to have been associated with u. It's so wonderful to get to know u better. It's really tough to say try me instead of getting bogged down by the depression. Love u dear. And yes u r super duper strong.<br>
@616d9126ca67e40013aaf3e5 🙄🙄kept hand on the hot griddle.. omg 🙄😮😱😱😱gosh.. can't imagine what u would have been taking at that time.. <br>
@5fedec01cccb6d0014097596 yea dear unfortunately people do brush it of n say it's all psychological n imaginary. But only those who go thru or have gone thru this phase can actually relate to the other who is going thru. And I love all u strong mommies. U all help us new moms to be so much and that to instantly which relives us from so many questions n doubts.<br>
Sending across big hug to all u strong senior moms.n for the new moms to be like me plz plz don't get stressed and depressed we have a very strong support system here on Bbc with super moms who are always there to guide us n be with us..
Like (2)
18 Nov 2018
Madhavi Cholera
lots of love dear revauthi..i had experienced the same situation nd u know what, while i reading these , i felt that its my story ! i can't remember those days, i cried everyday without any reason..some of my closed once told me that, you have nice family, 2 lovely kids..why you are so sad? i answered ...I DONT KNOW, WHY THESE HAPPENING😔<br>
such a brave post & i appreciate u a lot !
Priya Sood
18 Nov 2018