Here’s what stars have to say about you today! ✨✨
Get daily horoscope on BabyChakra by the expert Vedic astrologer and tarot reader, Janvi Gaur.
♈ Aries: You are feeling slightly isolated today and you feel your friends are cutting you off, sit back and don’t react. Your friends will come around and you will realize it was a big misunderstanding and in time it will itself clear. Being a playful mood and cheer yourself up. Sit and meditate or pray as it always helps you and heals your anxieties. You are a very fiery zodiac and many times you are not unable to handle your emotions if you are not eating on time or if you’re not hydrated enough. So never get into an argument or discussion empty stomach as your brain function is directly connected to your stomach. Wear a lot of bling or yellow color today.
♉ Taurus: Let go of anything that doesn’t fulfill its purpose in your life, you definitely need a lot of courage today and this courage can only be created by you. Don’t blame yourself for whatever did not work out in your life. You gave your best and probably the other person also did but destiny has another plan, the universe is fair and knows our highest good. You must plan travel or a retreat for some quality time with yourself and get clarity of what exactly you want in your life, don’t have somebody in your life because you need them relationships should not be need-based they should be based on want and desire. White and orange are your lucky colors today.
♊ Gemini: Lot of relief in your cards today and a lot of friends around you to celebrate this relief, I will suggest you do control and hold onto the celebration. Let the unfinished business finish, take some time enjoy it with your own self first and then a celebration will happen. Do some meditation at night under the stars as this will be very very helpful and feed some animals on the streets even if it means feeding some sugar to the ants under some trees. This act of humility will help you control your emotions and connect you with mother nature. Bottled green is your lucky color today.
♋ Cancer: Keep your morals high and always be righteous. You may feel a lot of things are getting postponed but that is not the truth. You are taking baby steps in the right direction and you will see how things will grow and blossom in no time. Even if some things are not happening at the time you want them to happen that doesn’t mean they won’t happen they will happen at the right time. So be like a child who is unaware and carefree. You will find yourself in a situation today bear you may have to choose the path of morals or the easy way out. I am just telling you what goes around comes around, so please be morally correct and be very honest today no matter what. Indigo and blue are your colors today.
♌ Leo: Have faith in yourself and have faith in the universe, don’t act miser and count every penny. When it comes to spending on your loved ones sometimes you can be very stingy and suddenly start having money insecurities. No please stop that as we have seen more in life. You are always taken care of especially when you are generous you are rewarded more. I am not asking you to abuse your money but you cannot be a miser, that doesn’t suit you. You are the king of the jungle for a reason so act like one. Gray and silver are your lucky colors.
♍ Virgo: You feel so balanced and complete today and completely harmonized video emotions. You had a good talk with your life partner and that has healed you in many ways than you can imagine. Connect with your children today as they need your nurturing. Your love is very pure but as a zodiac, you lack nurturing and don’t know the difference between love and care. They are two different things and your children desire to understand them unconditionally. Don’t judge them as they are not you and they have a mind of their own. Beige and cream are your lucky colors today.
♎ Libra: You are in a mood to snap as you feel you’re the only one always understanding everyone and making compromises. OK, I agree with you, but when you do that with your best intentions and for the love of people in your life. Don’t expect them to be like you or have the strength and power you have. They cannot be this understanding that doesn’t mean you start acting out of character. You are who you are and you can never be someone else. You definitely need a spa day or some retail therapy which only indulges you with some comfort food and lots of sleep. So go for it as you are special, maroon and gold are your lucky colors today.
♏ Scorpio: Clearly it looks like you did not take yesterday‘s guidance because a car card of self-destruction or self-punishment is there. You are complicating your life by overthinking and overanalyzing things and that can get you in a very dark sad place. Please snap out of it as I can tell you that what you’re thinking is way different from actually what’s happening. You’re making a mountain out of a mole and this will only disturb your life. Take a break from thinking for three days and you will tell me how on the fourth day so many things got cleared. White and Peach are your lucky colors today.
♐ Sagittarius: Oh my God, be careful today if I told you at two-timing in your love life today’s the day you might be found guilty, back off immediately, and don’t be overconfident. In today’s time everybody has a microphone and a camera in their hands, so if you’re dating two people there will be somewhere out there who will probably take your picture or a video and bust you. I would not like to see you in that position so please be careful and try to be righteous. Where your business is concerned it is a great week for you and you will feel the abundance around you. Purple and baby pink are lucky for you today.
♑ Capricorn: You feel so lazy today that you actually feel physically lazy today. You must look after your health as you are a bit burnt out. You handled a lot of things in the past few days and it has affected your sleep and eating patterns. And I think you have gone a bit overboard with your smoking and drinking. So it’s time to detox and get some rest. You are socializing more than you usually do and that is throwing you out of balance a bit. As a zodiac your element is earth and you always need to be grounded. Whenever you fly high too much you feel very vulnerable and weak. For your zodiac socializing and partying has to be rationed. Yellow and red are lucky colors for you today.
♒ Aqarius: You feel a bit burdened today by your family, especially by your siblings. You feel like it is a never-ending drama and you find yourself in the same pattern over and over again. Do you know why it is? Because probably you handle the situation in the same way over and over again. If you need your life and your life patterns to change then the change has to first begin with you and your reactions. When we don’t learn our lessons do universe keeps repeating them so it is purely in our hands to keep changing and keep trying new ways of handling situations. Involve some elderly people in your family and let them resolve this issue as this is not your drama. Eat some green vegetables and light a green candle in your room today.
♓ Pisces: So finally you have made that shift, your vision has changed and you don’t feel suppressed anymore. You feel liberated and very free from your thoughts. Bravo! I am proud of you and you have done it. You finally have a lot of gratitude for what you have received as you always wanted this from the very beginning. I want you to watch your Health a bit as I see some deficiencies in your blood so you may have to take your vitamins and minerals on time. You may have to deal with some bone-related issues also later in this year so probably get your checkup done and see if you need to fix your calcium in the body. Pink and yellow are your lucky colors today. #dailyhoroscope2022#positiveposts
Trisha Dey
14 Jul 2022