Here’s what stars have to say about you today! ✨✨
Get daily horoscope on BabyChakra by the expert Vedic astrologer and tarot reader, Janvi Gaur.
♈ Aries: What a wonderful day for you, you may actually See the day very ordinary and average but actually the energy of this day is manifesting greater understanding and success for you. Someone may get in contact with you from overseas very soon and you’ll be over the moon. Just keep yourself grounded and conceal what you are feeling, you don’t want to attract jealous people and complexed friends. Do exercise every day as that will help you stay grounded and focused. White and yellow are good colors for you.
♉ Taurus: I’m very glad to see that you are following your guidance and are without a doubt on new vision, new understanding and new perspective. With all that energy of changing yourself and your circumstances do remember to share your blessings and rewards. The card of sharing is very prominent in your today’s guidance, so make sure you have a big heart. At your workplace you should go out of your way to help your juniors and colleagues, do it unconditionally don’t expect any returns and surely you will be rewarded by the universe. All the shades of red are good for you.
♊ Gemini: A friend in need is a friend indeed, you need to remember this today. You are feeling a Block in your moving forward, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Do you have some great friends around you and you have really been there for them when they needed you, so why hesitate? Sometimes someone else’s perspective can be very helpful and can open more possibilities than you realize. You will fly high very soon and this little block will be resolved by someone very close to you. Pink and white are your colors today.
♋ Cancer: Finally your day has arrived, day of existence, day of change and the day you plan to fly high. You have completely taken charge of your mental state and have decided to surrender to destiny. This kind of thought process always liberates you and also works in your favor. Dwelling over small matters is in your nature, but setting yourself free from it is your purpose. Being a sensitive zodiac you need to remember to be sometimes detached and indifferent about things, that is your therapy. Swimming can be very relaxing for you with earthy color swimsuits.
♌ Leo: You would like to begin some new adventures in life but you feel so clueless and lost to figure out what the adventure should be. Stop thinking about it, give it four days and you will see it will organically come to you. You are juggling way too many things around you which are so unnecessary and have no purpose whatsoever in your life. So please do understand to filter what’s coming your way and take onto what’s important. Sometimes you can be very greedy and commit to everything and then end up doing nothing. Yellow and maroon are your colors today.
♍ Virgo: You have been over working and running after money, which is good there is absolutely no problem in that, but you need to take out time for healing and rebooting also for creative ideas and your sanity. It is time for you to prioritize your needs and plan your work accordingly. Like Leo’s you have also committed to too many things which are more or less useless. Running and not reaching anywhere should not be your goal. So take a sabbatical for a day and plan your next course of action. The color of knowledge black is good for you.
♎ Libra: I am extremely happy to see your cards, as it always puts a big smile on my face when I see a zodiac is focusing on self-love and awareness. No judgment, no validation, no approval whatsoever. Live and let live is your state of mind and that truly brings you to your virtue of a balancer. Bravo. Do visit the house of God today to give you our gratitude and distribute something sweet to poor people. You are very close to completing a very big task that you have been dealing with for quite some time. Silver and gray are your lucky colors.
♏ Scorpio: Before you start fighting please understand the matter and then understand if there is any need to actually fight. You’re irritated with someone and taking out on someone else, now how fair is that? So let’s try not to pull the Scorpio mood swing and try to stay calm and quiet. Bite your tongue today as you would not want to regret later. Make sure you eat something sweet today and most definitely keep your self very very hydrated. Go for a walk or hit the gym lift some weights and release all the tension because it is quite unnecessary, things will resolve very soon in your favor. Mustard and maroon are your colors.
♐ Sagittarius: You’re in a mood to compare your life today with your past and you realize how far you have come. Today’s the day you plan for some future celebrations and how you’re going to manifest them. Migrating to another country is definitely going to be on your mind as you feel you are bored in the city and you want to move towards new experiences with new people and new pin code. I suggest you go for it fully with no doubts and no fear at all. Just make sure you don’t share and discuss your plans with everybody because he kind of negative comment can demotivate you and delay your journey. You will be guided by your guiding angels and you must believe that. Green and purple are your colors today.
♑ Capricorn: Let go, let go, let go. This is your mantra for the day. Stop controlling anything and everything today. This is what you need in order to blossom fully, for your energy to open to its highest potential, you need to let go of any form of control or stubbornness. Your own thoughts suppress you and sometimes you create your own blocks and obstacles. No how smart does that sound? You may have some kind of disagreement or argument with your children also, so try to be a good listener and don’t come to conclusion today. Donate milk to a poor person today and wear gold.
♒ Aqarius: What a day of daydreaming and laziness. I love your day you feel like doing absolutely nothing and with no guilt and no fear. Fantastic! You definitely need that for your stability and for new creative ideas. Someone elder in your family may need your help or guidance today related to their health issues, and you will be a big support. People judge your detached nature sometimes but you are the most reliable zodiac in the time of need and you help very unconditionally. All the shades of blue are in your favor today.
♓ Pisces: Cleaning to the past and dwelling over certain experiences of the past is taking you in a very dark mental space. Please help yourself and if you cannot help yourself then seek for some professional help. Past is past for a reason and there is not much you can do about it, all you can do is learn from it for your growth and better understanding of life. You are a very spiritual zodiac and a natural counselor but when it comes to counseling your own self you go in self doubt. So no harm in asking someone else to help you for a fresh perspective. Avoid wearing dark colors today, so all the bright colors are good for you. and donate some yellow color food to poor people.
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