Hi frndz m at mom place so almost free my son sleep during day nd somehow I can't sleep more than 1 hr nd entire nite he is awake I m free during day next month m going back to hubby place I was thinking y not utilize the fee time nd make flash cards nd diy for future learning I m confused for few thing plz help
he is 3 month now from next month I should start flash cards or when ?
plz helps me woth list of things I need nd what should I make numbes colors or something else plz plz help
Foram Modi
21 Jun 2017
Malika Mehta
Dear Foram, Flash cards are not something I recommend to any parent. Things like colours, numbers etc can all be taught to your child in a more fun and realistic way, so please do that. Instead of wasting time making cards, spend your time reading to your child, singing to him, playing games and showing and talking to him about the various things in his environment. Really just doing anything other than flash cards will teach your child more than flashcards! If you keep your son engaged in a fun, language filled environment, he will learn faster and better. Hope this helps.
21 Jul 2017
Neha Sharma
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5f6e0765abe65c0046934504 </b></font>start from 12-13 months..
21 Jun 2017
Foram Modi
flash cards from which month
21 Jun 2017
Anisha Agarwal
Its too early for flash cards forum... Use colorful things like blocks or rattles... Use plate n spoon and let the baby make noise n explore..sing poems for him
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21 Jun 2017
Neha Sharma
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5f6e0765abe65c0046934504 </b></font>that's a great idea. but I don't think flash cards will be of much help at this age. why don't u try some other age appropriate diy Stuff.
Malika Mehta
21 Jul 2017