Hlo mommies, my baby boy 4 month old he drinks; formula milk only... This started around 4 months. My son will not drink his formula. I have tried so many different options, such as switching bottles, formula, temperatures, atmosphere sippy ups etc... He will just push his bottle away! I have now seen 3 doctors, and they all tell me that it sounds behavioral and I should let him go hungry. They say he will not let himself starve and will drink when hungry. I let him go 19 hours one day, but he showed no signs of hunger. He just laughed and played all day. He finally started to drink his bottle, but only drank one ounce! I am not sure what to do anymore??? Any suggestions plz
Shweta Amit
08 Aug 2018
Dr. Mamta
Initially they drink one or 2, ounce only .. try the same within a week he will start drinking more ...
My baby was also refusing to latch. No matter what you have to feed do not let the baby go hungry. Try putting the baby in pram and feed with spoon. There has to be a way out. All the best and do not leave for such a long time. My baby also 4 months...this is just a phase it will pass but do not give up.
09 Aug 2018
Jayalakshmi Nair
19 hrs with out milk is realy bad,try feeding from spoon
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08 Aug 2018
Sthuti Panigrahy
19 hours is a real long time to let the child be.Try out the hacks the mom's said.Try feeding using a spoon, dropper, anything other than a bottle , if that interests him.
Dr. Mamta
09 Aug 2018