My lo is 1.5 mnths old.she is on ebf. Bw 3kg. Cw 4.5 kg. She hasnt pooped since last 48 hrs. Due to that she is passing lot of gas; and crying continously . What should be done.
Nikita Khandelwal
09 Jun 2018
Rebecca Prakash
Her weight is good and not necessarily your baby is crying because of gas, at this age babies cry without reason also. Ebf babies are less likely to be a Colic, I would not recommend Colic aid as it will become a habit in no time. Staying away from all this is better.. You can apply heeng; paste and do cycling motion with the baby's legs. Ebf babies can go without popping for 10 days also,everything is normal here. Just keep feeding the baby.
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09 Jun 2018
Kavita Sahany
Agree with Asha ji
09 Jun 2018
asha chaudhry
Hi nikita pls rub hing paste on navel. Do cyclic motion of legs. Ask dr if u can give colic aid. Babies on ebf can go without pooping even for a week but if baby is in discomfort always better to consult ur pead.
Rebecca Prakash
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09 Jun 2018