2 tablespoon quinoa
½ apple washed, peeled and grated
2 -3 dates, pitted and chopped finely
Wash and soak the quinoa for 10 minutes. Drain
In a sauce pan heat 1 cup water. and add the washed, drained quinoa.
Cover and cook for about 5-7 minutes or until the quinoa is 70% cooked.
Add the grated apple and mix well.
Add the chopped dates and mix well.
Cover and cook again for 2-3 minutes. The quinoa will turn soft and a transparent ring can be seen surrounding the grain, which indicates it is cooked.
Turn off the heat. Let the quinoa cool down. With a hand blender blend the mixture till smooth.
Serve the porridge warm.
Madhavi Cholera
27 Feb 2020