What you guys do when your kids do something wrong in your sense? 1.you hit them....
2. You scold them....
3. you punish them
18 Apr 2017
Ganga Rani
number 3 beacuse ager kids koi wrong kaam kre use punish kro or samjao ye galat h
18 Apr 2017
DrBhavi Mody
Neither of the three. When a kid does something you feel is wrong convey to the child that you don't approve of his/her action behaviour and give reasonfor it that why you feel it should not be done. If the child is throwing a tantrum no point talking at that time give your child tie to settle down. You may opt to give yourself time out so you relax and are in a better position to manage the child. Talk to the child that is the best policy. hitting, scolding punishing seldom helps. what you can do is 1. Praise good behaviour 2. put up a chart where evrey good behaviour gets a star or smiley and every bad behaviour gets a cross or angry emoji. you can decidde that on getting X no of stars you will reward the child. Reward may not necessarily mean material things it can be playing a game together, going to the child's favourite play area or making a dish your kids like at times gifts and tofeess etc depends on you. every bad behaviour ythe child will lose 2 stars etc. Think of ways to be creative. Set the rules for everyone in the house and no one breaks them. rules are not meant only forkids. Kids lobserve you and follow your actions than instructions. You are the best Role Model. There are many strategies you can apply.I think will put up an article on it sometime later.
18 Apr 2017
<font color ="#3b5998"><b><a href="http://app.babychakra.com/article/1635">Excerpts of Live Chat With Sonal Raja on Toddler Tantrums And Child Behaviour</a></b></font> this might help too!
18 Apr 2017
Rhituparna Mitra
I am rather bad at handling this...but this article is my favourite in the way it explains this - <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b><a href="http://app.babychakra.com/article/1606">How to – Keep Calm And Tame Your Toddler’s </a></b></span><span style="color:#3B5998;"><b><a href="http://app.babychakra.com/article/1606"><u>Tantrums</u></a></b></span>
18 Apr 2017
Preetjyot Kaur
Frankly none of the 3...hitting is something that I'm totally not in favour of...if there is something that my girl does wrong, I ensure that we discuss... They are times she is adamant... But I make it clear to her that we need to talk over this... I throw questions at her regarding the situation n and help her in self analysis... I feel it's important for a child to independently understand if there is something that he or she does wrong... <br>
At times I do have to be assertive, but I prefer to be a happy assertive mom... It was tough for me to achieve this, but with time, she has understood that crying won't help, talking <u>would</u>
Ganga Rani
18 Apr 2017