Risks Associated With Obesity During Pregnancy

Risks Associated With Obesity During Pregnancy

10 Nov 2022 | 2 min Read

Samir Hazra

Author | 2 Articles

A body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more is considered to be indicative of obesity. This BMI calculation is based on the weight and height of an individual.

While trying to conceive and also during pregnancy it’s very important to keep a check on your weight. Gaining excess weight of touching obesity can lead to various complications.

3 serious health problems linked to obesity during pregnancy are:

Gestational hypertension generally tends to start in the second half of the pregnancy. Gestational hypertension leads to an increased risk of stillbirth, intrauterine growth restrictions, eclampsia, etc.

Gestational diabetes that’s characterized by high blood sugar tends to increase the risk of having a large baby, assisted delivery or C-section, and women developing diabetes mellitus in later life.

Obstructive sleep apnea, in which the individual stops breathing during their sleep for a short duration of time. This condition could lead to excess fatigue, high blood pressure, preeclampsia, cardiac problems, and lung problems.

Obesity is also linked with an increased risk of miscarriage, premature delivery, a baby born with high birth weight, neural tube defect like spina bifida, cardiac diseases in the baby after birth, high body fat in baby, and women having heavy bleeding (higher than normal) post-childbirth.

It’s important to manage your weight when trying for a pregnancy and also during pregnancy to avoid such health problems in you as well as in your baby.

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