;;;;; 10mins walk ; There is an old saying ;; " After lunch rest a while,
;;; After dinner walk a mile." Just like everyday I went for my walk after my dinner. This 10mins are only MINE, as I get this time to spend alone with myself and can focus on my mind..
Time when I think about my life ,my day or sometimes on phone; calls, But this walk was special today. As like everyday I finished all my work ,had my dinner and came out for a walk.
This lonely dark street with houses both sides and beautiful branches of flowers lying on the path..
I never felt so good before. For the first time I noticed this lane and don't know but there was something I could feel. As I continued walking, I felt something.
I turned back and there was nobody.
I continued my walk but this time more conscious and even I could hear my foot sound ,anxiously I turned back but there was Noone .
I didn't got scared as I felt some good vibes, there was someone walking with me and giving me a company and listening to all my untold stories.
I felt cold and soothing breeze on my face and body.
I could feel that it's smiling on me, even my face had a smile.
That somebody was no one else but it was my inner soul .smiling to me and saying you are enough for urself and beautiful is ur life.
My lonely walks were no more lonely, Now
I had someone to hear my untold stories,; talking to me and sharing my pain.
Making me feel special and spending time with me.
Making me relax and Boosting me for all the work.
Appreciating me for working hard.
Giving me energy and motivation for next day.
Silently telling to come back tomorrow for our walk.
For the first time with a big smile and happy heart I said goodbye for today and promise to come tomorrow.
I had my unknown friend and cold breeze to walk a mile with me.
; We all need to had a walk with ourselves to stay positive, to appreciate and love ourselves..
It's important to have me time and smile.
Dont forget to Walk a mile alone and remember you are not alone .
Deepika Hindi
05 Apr 2022