5 ways you can relieve your baby from teething troubles I have an 8 month old who has sprouted two teeth on the lower jaw but is still constantly struggling with itchy gums. She is constantly pursing her lips and is extremely cranky. I however have noticed that there are some things that give her some solace and help her through this. Here they are: 1. Breastmilk popsicles and frozen teethers are a godsend. You can also try giving them popsicles made of food purees if they are willing. As long as its cold, it helps with the itching. 2. Babywearing for me has helped immensely to help overcome any crankiness she may be having at a point of time. What's more is that can fall asleep quicker if cosied up in a carrier snug to you. 3. Taking a walk or just stepping outdoors from the usual setting that the baby is used to will help immensely in diverting her mind. They are more stimulated to take in their new surroundings and that helps them forget temporarily about the teething. 4. Breastfeeding is my go-to and should be yours too if your baby is on breastfeeding currently. They feel more secure and soothed. 5. I would not recommend screen time but olay songs, sing rhymes and dance with the baby. Encourage them to join in or just clap around. Its wildly distracting and they will have fun too! Do try them out and if you have any tips of your own, do share them with me.
khushboo chouhan
26 Jul 2017