;*STAY CALM Do not overreact to unknowingly disrespectful behavior. The child may be not paying attention or doesn't know the behavior is disrespectful;
*IDENTIFY THE CAUSE ;If a child's need is not being met, teach them skills and vocabulary to address their own needs instead of scolding them.;
*MODEL BEING RESPECTFUL; We cannot teach respect by being disrespectful. Respect your child as an individual with their own preferences. Allow them the freedom to make some decisions.;
*USE POSITIVE DISCIPLINE ;Use discipline to teach, not to punish. Show them; how to be respectful even when others make mistakes. Remember, we all make mistakes. There is no need to be cruel.
;*EARN, NOT DEMAND RESPECT ;Do not demand your child to be respectful just because you are the parent. True respect can only be earned, but not demanded. Sorry!;
*APOLOGIZE FOR MISTAKES; A mature, respectful grownup accepts responsibility and apologizes when he or she makes mistakes.
Vipra Naik
28 Aug 2019