So, the app initiated an event in association with #zandustriveda and #suryahospitals wherein the topic of the day was #lactation and there can be nothing more dearer to my heart than breastfeeding and its know-abouts even till day of my breastfeeding journey for my soon-to-be 1 year old.
For those who are new, i have shared my breastfeeding journey struggles and how i turned nto an exclusive breastfeeding mom from a being a mom taking combination support. You can read my story here- Breastfeeding: It's Not Easy But Worth It .
So when it came to this event, i grabbed it with my arms,registered myself and attended the event and lo! And behold! It was such an insightful one.
The super panelists for the discussion and knowledge sharing were: Dr.Dhrupti Dedhia - Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surya Hospitals, SantaCruz Dr.Mukund Shirloka - Consultant Paediatric Intensive care, Surya Hospitals, SantaCruz Ms.Perina Joshi - Consultant Nutritionist, Surya Hospitals, SantaCruz Naiyya Saggi - Founder CEO Babychakra
The event started with a lot of information sharing and throwing light upon various problems new moms face during their breastfeeding journey and what's normal and what's not normal:
Quickly putting some key-takeaways:
1. Breastfeed your baby exclusively until 6months, there is no yay! Or nay! You are a mom and if you can deliver a baby, you will be able to breastfeed too.(except for moms with extreme conditions or situations)
2. Listen to the ladies at home, when they tell you to eat a certain thing it is because the foods contain or are body-benifitting nutrient wise.(north will have a diff food, south will have a diff one and so will east and west). (As per the region and the climate, the foods in your region will suit you best and have the most densely packed nutrients)
3. You WON'T have a fountain of milk immediately post-delivery. NO your body is not a magic house and it takes time to heal and get to producing milk. (Some take more time, some take less).
4. Less-supply in majority of cases is a mind-plotted scenario, because we assume continuous feeds as less supply and hungry baby.(believe me, in broke my head on not having a fountain of milk when pressed but guess what, when moms were shifting to combination i started ebfing #babyb without any fountain.
5. Help a mom, share your story, suggest a good deal. (I was until today so clueless about so many other women being, that many a women have been through exactly what i have been through pin-by-pin) And honestly had i known their mistakes, i would have avoided recreating them. So go out, shout out and help.
6. Have your baby around you and with you as soon as possible, major hospitals have this procedural way of keeping the baby away from you for various reasons(no negative intended) so, go out there,ask for your baby as soon as you can.( in n my pain and recovering in had completely forgotten it and believe me I'm regret nothing more than not holding my baby in the very first moments of her coming to the world) many women end up doing this mistake and i came tonknow this only when i heard so many of them crying over the same.
7. It is very important to prepare yourself for breastfeeding since the pregnancy than just focusing on baby's arrival preparation and mode of delivering the baby. (Believe me you will regret nothing more than not equipping yourself with enough #breastfeeding knowledge than anything else.)
8. Lastly, sore nipples, sleepless nights, loneliness and all the hell let loose, don't give up and don't think you are alone, get a fellow mom of your gestational age and you will thank me for suggesting this for all that you will get by be-friending moms frkm the community. #babychakra makes that easy for you. So go out benefit from the community on the app.
9. And a special mention a bbn out #zandustriveda for having come up with a natural ayurvedic supplement that is made to boost your milk and maintain the supply. Go ahead give it a try, i am doing it and will soon tell you how its working for me.
10. Also #suryahospital has come up with milk-banks, so moms in mumbai, for any reason whatsoever, if you lack enough, you know where to get it from.
Wow!!! Wonderful Nilo! Keep up the good work 👌
17 May 2019
Parul soni
Good one
16 May 2019
Oh missed meeting you. Even i was fasting so got husband along to tkcr of the baby while i enjoy some me-time at the event. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Aishwarya Shukla
20 May 2019