A Few Points To Remember after c session : -Do not exercise yet if you have any difficulty in walking. -Consult your doctor, if you feel any pain after ten weeks of childbirth. -Strictly avoid any exercise until your doctor gives you a thumbs-up -After your body completely recovers from the surgery, you can work on your fitness plan seriously Remember, it is more important for you to remain healthy than lose weight overnight. -Your body needs adequate rest to help you take care of yourself and your baby. - Relax for the first few months and enjoy the bliss of motherhood.
Hit the gym or workout once your doctor gives you the green signal.
If you are a fitness freak mom, please share your experiences on postnatal exercises after c section.
Foram Modi
02 Jul 2017
Priya Sood
Very useful!! Thank you foram
03 Jul 2017
aditi manja
Very informative post @5f6e0765abe65c0046934504 As sheeba mentioned it's important to get your limbs moving the next day after the c section. What I would like to add is to take care of what we eat. Many women end up eating double the amount of food to breastfeed the baby. But that only aggravates the weight gain. We don't need to eat a lot. Our body needs only 500 calories more on a daily basis when we <u>are</u> breastfeeding a single baby. Double if twins. So having healthy homemade food with some care on portion size of the meals will help. ☺️ Thanks for the tag @6372999217d2c800158d8bec
02 Jul 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
very good points... i would like to add that it is important to walk right from the next day of surgery. this helps in getting the blood pumping and avoiding gas build-up. also, while starting "exercising" start slow... <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729cb62338f60015eaef4c </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> your valuable inputs...
Priya Sood
03 Jul 2017