A Letter To All The Brand New Mums!- “I Know How You Feel!”
Last day, I was spending some time on social media and suddenly I came across this post on Facebook. It comprises of confessions made by moms on Redditt! And surprisingly and not so surprisingly as well, all the confessions were negative. I mean, they were filled with resent and unhappiness on being a mother or rather choosing to be one.
Personally, it seemed more of postpartum depression red flags. But, honestly, I am not going to judge anyone. So, I decided to write a letter dedicated to all the new mums out there; to make them feel better and more importantly to let them know that you’re not alone. Because I know how you feel!
Dear New Mum,
First of all, Congratulations on entering the motherhood zone. A zone that is about to change you and your life in so many unexpected ways. Only for better times!
I know at this stage, you might be wondering how can I even hail motherhood when all that comes with it is utter exhaustion, late-night feedings, countless diaper changes, inability to eat satisfactorily and toilet interruptions.;
I know at this stage, you’re absolutely getting messed up even with the tiniest things.. I know even spending five minutes with your hubby or just with yourself seems like a distant dream that might never ever come true.
I know that at this stage, you might be badly craving for your pre-motherhood days when you literally could do or eat what you just wanted without any concern for anyone else. I know you’re badly missing that pre-motherhood physique that made your man go all heels for you.;
I know that you might be even questioning your own choice of becoming a mother. The entire responsibility of having a child whose constant need is just you might be overburdening you. You never felt so exhausted or so lonely ever in your entire life. It seems like no one wants to understand your current situation. Everyone just focuses and asks about your baby.;
I know what you are thinking. Because I know how you feel!
It seems just like yesterday when my daughter was born. My life was so blurry. I was just hopping from feeding to diapering to staying up at late nights. My life seemed to just never end this cycle.;
Everyone around me was gobbling everything they wanted. Hot or cold, spicy or too sweet didn’t matter to anyone else. Except me! Because I was breastfeeding!
While everyone else slept peacefully, I was the only one staying up like zombie feeding my baby. While everyone could actually wear what they wanted I was the only who had to choose an appropriate outfit that can ease my feeding procedure.;
My life seemed to revolve just around my baby. Where was I? What was I even doing? Am I doing the right thing? Am I a bad mom because I am thinking this way? Will my entire life be like this?
Yes, these questions even popped up in my brain.;
So, what’s the deal!
Mums, calm down! This sudden outburst of conflicting emotions does happen. In fact, it’s normal.;
But trust me, that doesn’t EVER mean that you’re a bad mum or you can never have a life of your own.;
And to further break this eternal question, will you ever get your pre-life back? I am sorry to say you won’t. Because this life of motherhood is only going to make you a better person. I promise that!;
With your entire schedules and priorities shifting to another human being, your lives will definitely be at a much better stage. Yes, the first two-three years of motherhood will shatter a lot of expectations that you had for yourself. Yes, those initial years will test most of your patience and your physical strength. You might have read a lot of books on parenting but everything seems futile right now.;
Yes, these will happen!
But does that even mean that you shall never be happier?!
Contradictory, being a mom, sooner or later will bring out the best in you. With the biggest responsibility and the most important job ever in this world, you will soon be proud of yourself. And I can actually bet on that!
Soon, you would experience your heart almost outbursting with the love for your child. Soon, you would look forward to giving up everything only to make your child smile. Soon, you would realize indeed happiness can never be bought.;
The first smile, the first talk, the first walk along with all the firsts would seem just the only happiness that you ever wanted. Soon, you would realize what being selfless is actually about!
Till then, try to keep yourself stable. You might be wondering when will your baby grow up to be a toddler. Just remember, while he will be your child forever, he will be a baby just for a year.;
Live these innocent moments as much as possible. 20 years down the lane, when your child will be all grown-up, he might not need you as he needs you now.;
So, till then, enjoy these absolute pristine moments with your baby. Enjoy his tiny fingers clasping on your palms, that seemed to be content just with your touch. Enjoy seeing him smiling in his sleep. Trust me, he would never be this happy with sleep ever in his life. Enjoy being someone’s only priority.;
Motherhood is not a bed of roses nor is just filled with cute baby smiles. It is much more than that. And while you sit there complaining about your choice, remember there’s always someone in the world or even within your family who can do almost anything just to be a mum.;
27 Nov 2019