“A newborn baby has only 3 demands. They are warmth in the arms of the mother, food from her breasts and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breastfeeding satisfies all three”
Breastmilk is the natural outcome of pregnancy and birth. Evert need, craving and demand of the baby is satisfied only through breastfeeding. Breastmilk is the most nutritious and healthiest food that a mother can offer her little one. Breast milk helps to protect your baby against a range of infections. The composition of breastmilk is such that it provides antibodies to the baby to fight back infections. It is like a protective shield that a mother provides her baby. WHO recommends exclusively breastfeeding your baby till 6 months of age and then supplementing with solids till 2 years and beyond. In the first year of life, breastmilk will be the primary source of nutrition. However, breastfeeding is not easy but it is definitely worth it! Latch as well as maintaining milk supply requires support and guidance. Breastfeeding becomes easier and comfortable if latched during the golden hour. The first hour after delivery is extremely crucial for mother as well as the baby in order for their breastfeeding relationship to flourish. The process of latch during golden hour is the most comfortable latch and stays on forever. Just after delivery, when baby is most alert, put baby on mother’s breasts and allow it to latch on its own during the golden hour and delay all medical interventions till the first successful latch. Baby has been in a controlled environment for 9 months in its mother’s womb hence once out it needs its mother the most. Breastfeeding during the golden hour has a lot of advantages to the mother as well as the baby. It reduces the overall stress and calms the mother and the baby. According to reports, 60 per cent of babies in India miss out on mother’s breast milk soon after birth, lowering their chances of matching physical and mental growth standards and making them vulnerable to various diseases. Babies who breastfeed within the Golden Hour are known to have lower rates of ear infection, asthma, diabetes, childhood leukaemia as well as sudden infant death syndrome. For the mother, skin-to-skin contact with her baby and suckling at the breast releases hormones that cause the uterus to contract and stop bleeding. Mothers who nurse their baby in the first hour after birth have lower rates of breast cancer and diabetes. Breastfeeding early can also speed up the delivery of the placenta for the mother, reducing the risk of postpartum haemorrhage. Every baby and mother must be given a chance to experience the ‘golden hour’ after childbirth
Durga salvi
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19 Apr 2022