I joined baby chakra, because my husband insisted I do so. He joined first and about 10-15 days later I installed the app, but never really bothered to really look through and see or understand. He kept insisting I try it once, simply because I had used another parenting app, when my son was about 4-5 months old and really didn't a good experience with it. Finally I gave in and started to spend sometime everyday on the baby chakra app. Answered questions that I knew about, started writing posts and sharing comments. In no time I realised it's nothing like my experience with the other app, but it's like a virtual family and I now share a bond with most;of them here.;
In the last couple;of days I've read some wonderful posts related to health, recipes, childcare and some really heart touching realities of some mom 🌟. This post is specially dedicated to them. I believe it's tough to stand by anyone, especially in their tough times. But here on baby chakra everyone is so ready and available for one another and that's why this is a family.
Dear Woman. In all the situations, against all the odds , you stood by,; Never dropped, never stopped, never gave up; Your tears rolled down in pain but your eyes close shut to ward them off.; I salute the brave heart and the courageous attitude you possess.; Your love for your loved ones surpasses all and beyond.; You missed something, you lost something, but still nothing deterred your will to hold on and not let go.; You are an epitome of bravery in the face of life. The fight you gave it , it will never forget. Hats off to you dear lady ... I respect that brave soul in you... You may look weak, you look weary, but nonetheless you have not let it take over you . Be blessed and healthy, shining and pressing forward each day and inspiring many others to stay focused and strong.;
04 Apr 2019
Mahima Atishaya
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @5fedec01cccb6d0014097596 </b></span> thank you
05 Apr 2019
Rebecca Prakash
Glad you decided to try Babychakra, Do keep writing and sharing things, You are already keeping the app and chat group busy 🤗
05 Apr 2019
Mahima Atishaya
Thank you <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @616f114eee57850013f0127f </b></span>
05 Apr 2019
mili kumari
Very nice Mahima Krishna A
05 Apr 2019
Mahima Atishaya
Thank you <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @6372a3d8e0852e00159b2683 </b></span>
Mahima Atishaya
05 Apr 2019