"Our job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want, make it absolutely clear in minds what we want, and from that we start to invoke one of the greatest laws in the Universe.... Which is the law of Attraction...
U become what u think about most but u also attract what u think about the most..." And that's the reason one negative thought can ruin a person's entire life if we don't do anything about that one thought.;
After reading this I tried it on myself for 2 days. First day after getting up I thought about only one negative thought and believe me it affected my entire day.;;
Second day I thought abt a positive thought after getting up and it changed the entire day by bringing all the happy and good news to me.. So I can say what we think is what we attract...do try it out coz we can control our thoughts we can change our life's... The book Secret has changed my thinking all together.;;
Krutika Gor
24 May 2018
Krutika Gor
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @5f6e0b33c0de03004572c596 </b></span> <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @6372a3d82338f60015eaf03e </b></span> <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @5f71f284c0de030045737d73 </b></span> m happy to share this positive thot with all of u....<br>
N <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @6372cbe0649d830016904995 </b></span> do read this book. This is the book I read when I feel low.. trust me u will love this book.
24 May 2018
I have heard a lot about this book but somehow can't able to read it but now I know this is gonna be in my top list. Thanks for reminding Kritika and for such positive thought
Like (1)
24 May 2018
Parul soni
I just love THE SECRET
24 May 2018
Zeba Shaikh
Cc a
24 May 2018
swati upadhyay
How meaningful this is!!! Thank you for sharing! I have read that book and trust me... It changed my life too!
Krutika Gor
24 May 2018