A verse was written by me as a tribute to all MOTHERS in the universe.
The mystery remains unclear, Deep within my uterus, you reside unfamiliar. You are first only a blood clot, Thriving to be a complete slot.
Nausea, giddiness will fade soon, Due will be in May or June. My back aches so badly, Nevertheless, your wait is driving me crazy.
O God save everyone from those poky shots, But I have to take them for your immunity, my tiny tot. Nervous, anxious, I lay on a hospital bed, The day of you to come to this world is all set.
Push and push with all your might, The scenario is filled with lots of fright. Hold your breath says, my doctor, There are a few more minutes left to complete the picture.
Gasping for breath, exhausted, yet not tired, The portray of my little one is solely on my mind. Alas, the cry of the little one I heard just now, Yes, I won, I heaved a sigh of relief, as I lay down.
That day she was crying, and I smiled with lots of tears, "Mother", the only crown, that day with hard work I had earned. -Dr. Umera
20 Feb 2020
Madhavi Cholera
umera , they will reply you very soon..
23 Feb 2020
Dr Umera
<b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @616d5c089dc2de0015c6e9c0 </span></b> dear I send an email but didn't get any response
Madhavi Cholera
23 Feb 2020