Academy Award-nominated animated movie, Wall-E is a definite treat for kids (and adults) all around the globe.
The movie, which is set 800 years in the future, has a well-plotted story line to it.
Eve, on successfully finding a plant on dying Earth, befriends Wall-E who is a garbage crusher.
They get whisked off into space to face a concoction of adventure, bitterness and affinity.
It is such a wonder to watch these non-human beings get pulled into the mission of securing a possible future for the human beings with the help of that single ray of hope (the plant) despite being subject to pain and enmity. How do they achieve this feat? What about the blooming intimacy between Wall-E and Eve? What happens to the Earthlings?
To sum it, the movie focuses on the state of the Earth if left in the hands of undying pollution, never-ending garbage and to a major extent, sadly, the lethargy and negligence of us humans. One cannot think of any other movie that has aimed at animation, science fiction, romance, drama and the eternal topic of pollution. A must-watch with children over the age of five.
20 Jan 2017
Pooja Kudva
mine too!!! ☺
20 Jan 2017
suhasini dikshit
my all time favorite movie
20 Jan 2017
Priya Sood
Thank you Mom Star for the Movie share!!! I really enjoyed watching this!
Pooja Kudva
20 Jan 2017