After 2 years of marriage I started to think that my life was over. My husband is always busy. He had his business to taking care of. My in laws had friends, family everyone here. Even they both are financially capable of doinv anything thry want.
After marriage I became no one. Before that I had a job, friends everyone but because I had to come ftom Delhi to Bangalore. It just become very difficult to even understand people's language. My mother in law had so many friends. She goes to movie, in hotel, on foreign tour. But me nowhere even with my husband not on Saturday night and not even on Sunday.
If we want to go anywhere then we have to take our in laws with us. Even we can not even buy anything to wear ourselves. We can not buy anything. We have to take permission to do anything. I became very depressed. But it all became very worse after pregnancy. My husband and I couldn't get a time to spend because my in laws always took him with them.
Even after delivery my husband was not there for me but they sent him to office. Told him to mind his own business. Office is more important. My mother in law will stay eith me only. That was the last straw for me. After coming home they didn't let me or my husband to hold my baby. Only for feeding I got to have my baby in my arms. They didn't let me hold him after delivery. They always kept him away. Even to this day everything is the same. Nothing has changed. My depression got worse. Then I searched for something to do to keep my mind off from negative thoughts. Then I got the invite for baby chakra creators club and I became the member. Now I am happy that I have something to do other than house work. For this my baby encouraged me. It is only for him that I am doing this. To keep me sane from going in the darkness. He showed me the light and I am very grateful that God gave me someone who is there for me...
rimjhim jaiswal
31 Dec 2019