My childoo was 2. I was 37. I was a full time mom (well I freelanced from home a bit). I gave up hope of ever getting back to my professional life. After all, Goa was the perfect place for advertising professionals to retire, write books and enjoy the good life.
I wasn’t making any money. And for someone who has been financially independent – that was a huge setback in my mind. I knew I was depressed. The worse I felt, the more I ate. The fatter I got.
But I read a lot. I started reading more about moms who got back to work after motherhood. From home. Flexi hours. The idea appealed to me.
And then I read an article somewhere that said, “Mothers who work part time, make better mothers than full time mothers.” I realised that was so true. Staying away from your child for a part of the day makes you a better person, and therefore a better mom!
“Don’t feel guilty about working.” That’s the common advice I read everywhere.
Being a mass media/communications person I realized social media is the next big thing and began to understand how to use it professionally. On the side I started freelancing as a travel blogger.
I took charge of my life. I started working out. Getting back in to shape – mentally and physically. I threw out all my XL and XXL clothes.
Stay tuned for how my life changed after that. And join me in a fun session here on the app from 3-5pm on HOW TO GET YOUR MOJO BACK!
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d555aca67e40013aa95a2 </b></font> i can relate to what u have been feeling. We all go thru that phase where we dont feel like getting out of bed. I live in a quiet corner of goa and work from home. It is actually very dangerous and easy for me to become anti-social and slip away.... Which is why i make it a point to drop my childoo in the morning, visit the temple. And exercise in the evening. U hv so much to share komal - pls find ur purpose on the babychakra and post one tip a day for any lifestage. Will really help us all. Tc. And pls be positive. U have a world of possibilities waiting for u. Mucho love....
23 Oct 2017
How did I miss this post...
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10 Oct 2017
Ellora Mohanty
She's so cute
04 Oct 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
lovely quote- work part time for both.... really interesting.. love to know more...<br>
ini is tooo cute smart 😘
asha chaudhry
21 Jun 2018