All kids love to make a mess but don't like to clean up. We, as moms have loads of tasks to complete and we lose our patience sometimes. It can be very tiring for us all the time to clean up the mess after your child has played with toys. Also the children need to learn that they have to clean up after they have played with their toys.The earlier you stat with them, the better it is.I'll share some tips which I try and use with my son.; 🎀 Don't make it a chore. Put a rhyme in the background, like tidying up or clean up time. Kids love it and will happily come and clean.; 🎀 Show them how it's done or tell them initially that you will help them in cleaning. Involve them in cleaning and picking up their toys after they have played. Like this they will get into the habit of picking up their toys after playing. 🎀 Motivate and encourage them, even if they put one toy back. Use phrases, like good job, very good boy/girl, do high - five. Remember, nothing can be achieved in one day. They need encouragement to do work. 🎀 Show them how nice the room looks after it is clean.This is very important because the kids should learn to keep their surroundings neat and clean. 🎀 Tell them at night, like they sleep even the toys have to sleep. So put the toys to bed. 🎀 Tell them that they are very lucky to have lots of toys. At night the toy fairy visits and the child who doesn't take proper care of the toys, the fairy takes the the toy away. I think we should start early and toddlers love to help.Please share in comments how do u tell your child to clean up.
Bhavna Anadkat
07 Dec 2019