Almost every girl becomes a bride one day. But the feelings just one day before the wedding are different for different girls. Some of them pass through a medley of emotions, while some enjoy the situation and dream of their future life.
One night before the wedding would be really tough to get through but remember the fact that you’ll face this feeling just once in your life. As great men say, whatever is felt just once in life is the most beautiful feeling,;don’t forget to feel the newness under the pressure of anxiety.
The toughest part for brides is the fact that;they realise that everything about their life would completely change now.They don’t even come to know when this realisation becomes their biggest fear. You need to readily accept the change and be happy about it.About the normal psychological processes going on within you right now. You're in the midst of a major transition in your identity. These identity changes can make you feel anxious, sad, scared, and angry. .
A wedding, in our culture, is one of the most significant rites of passage. A woman’s journey down the aisle - when the bride traditionally steps from the arms of her parents into the arms of the man she will marry - is symbolic of major changes that will now occur in both families. The young ones leave the nest, and the family dynamic is forever changed as the newlyweds form their own family together.
Kanch N
15 Apr 2019