An infant’s skin defence system is still immature, increasing the risk of sun damage even when the baby is indoors. ☀️ Many premium and even natural Baby Sunscreens use chemical ingredients which can be harsh for their sensitive skin causing burn to the surface of the eye, skin irritation and toxic build-up. 🌸 #DontSettle for simply 'natural' baby products. Preserve your baby's skin now and save them from the higher risk of disease later in life. Choose Organic Natural and Baby Safe Products that are tested for safety. 👶🏻 And how do you make this choice? Stay tuned for the big reveal coming tomorrow! 💯 Choose Organic Natural and Baby Safe Products #carecomesfirst#babychakra#familyhealth#babycareandhygiene#dontsettle
Anju yadav
14 Mar 2021