Anger is a;natural human emotion. Sometimes;anger can be a;good thing. For example, anger might give you energy to get something done or to stand up for what you believe in. Feeling angry and;managing your anger in positive and healthy ways;can also give you the chance to set a good example for your children. For example, when you take a few deep breaths or walk away rather than exploding, you show your children how to behave. But;anger can be negative, especially if it happens a lot or it gets out of control. Losing your temper when you’re angry can make problems worse and lead to conflict with others. When you don’t give yourself time to calm down, you might say or do unhelpful or hurtful things. Tips to remember: •Anger is a natural human emotion. Managing anger in positive ways sets a good example for children and helps them feel safe and secure. Anger management techniques can help you calm yourself when you’re angry. If you’re finding it hard to control anger, talking to a health professional can help #parenting#tipstofollow#newpost#motherson#temperament#guidelines#influencer#mominfluencer#creator#babychakra @mybabychakra
22 Feb 2022
Deepika Hindi
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05 Apr 2022
Samidha Mathur
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Deepika Hindi
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05 Apr 2022