I have taken a very long career break after baby but now I'm looking to get back to work. I just feel very devoid of purpose to life and think that I can achieve that only by getting back to work and regain my identity. My in laws stay with us however , they have not been encouraging of me to get back to work which is really frustrating me now. My hubby has not shown signs of sorting this issue with them as well. I am feeling quiet helpless abd emotional becuade I know am capable of achieving a lot!!!
my in laws are not going to turn the game at all. touching this topic with hubby, I fear we might end up having fights.
what do I do?
07 Jul 2016
suhasini dikshit
I totally understand that working gives a identity n sense of achievement... try work from home options initially. Or try getting into some business so that u can satisfy urself n ur family also.
suhasini dikshit
08 Jul 2016