Are you pregnant?. Do you keep yourself well hydrated? Are you aware of a condition called OLIGOHYRDAMNIOS? Well this blog is exclusively for you. AMNIOTIC FLUID :
The amniotic fluid is a part of the baby’s life support system that protects the baby and helps in the development of muscles, limbs, lungs and digestive system. Amniotic fluid is produced soon after the amniotic sac forms at about 12 days after conception. It is first made up of water that is provided by the mother, and then around 20 weeks of fetal urine becomes the primary substance. What is OLIGOHYRDAMNIOS? Oligohydramnios is the condition of having too little amniotic fluid.; Obstetricians usually measure the amount of fluid through; different methods. If a mother has the fluid level of fewer than 5 centimeters, the absence of a fluid pocket 2-3 cm in-depth, or a fluid volume of less than 500mL, then a diagnosis of oligohydramnios would be suspected. This usually happens in some pregnant women between 32-36 weeks of gestation. Who Can have OLIGOHYRDAMNIOS? About 8% of pregnant women can have low levels of amniotic fluid. Only about 4% of them are being diagnosed with oligohydramnios. It can occur at any time during pregnancy, but it is most common during the last trimester. What causes low amniotic fluid? 1) Birth defects – Problems with the development of the kidneys or urinary tract which could cause little urine production, leading to low levels of amniotic fluid. 2) Placental problems – If the placenta is not providing enough blood and nutrients to the baby, then the baby may stop recycling fluid. 3)Leaking or rupture of membranes –This may be a gush of fluid or a slow constant trickle of fluid. This is due to a tear in the membrane. Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) can also result in low amniotic fluid levels. 4) Post Date Pregnancy– A postdate pregnancy (one that goes over 42 weeks) can have low levels of amniotic fluid, which could be a result of declining placental function. 5)Maternal Complications– Factors such as maternal dehydration, hypertension, preeclampsia, diabetes, and chronic hypoxia can have an effect on amniotic fluid levels. What treatments are available? The treatment for low levels of amniotic fluid is based on gestational age. If you are not a full term yet, your doctor will monitor you and your levels very closely. Tests such as non-stress and contraction stress test may be done to monitor your baby’s activity. If you are close to full term, then delivery is usually what most doctors recommend in situations of low amniotic fluid levels.
Injection of fluid prior to delivery through amniocentesis.; The condition of oligohydramnios is reported to often return within one week of this procedure, but it can aid in helping doctors visualize fetal anatomy and make a diagnosis.
Maternal re-hydration with oral fluids or IV fluids has shown to help increase amniotic fluid levels. Summary :
Hence it is very important for a pregnant woman to keep herself hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids. Kindly undergo a regular check up. And please do; undergo all the important scans, as scans are the most important thing during pregnancy. Please visit your doctor without delay if you notice unusual discharges. Disclaimer :
Thaarikha salman
31 Dec 2019