As a #NewMom and a #FirstTimeMom ,I wish I knew the importance of tummy time for babies. We sometimes tend to igonre certain things when we dont understand the benefits properly. Believe me its important and do try to give tummy time to your baby. So, what its 'tummy time'?
"its the practice of allowing baby some time lying on his/her tummy"
🎤tummy time can be started as soon as 1week after birth
🎤start with 30secs-60 secs and gradually increase time as baby grows and gets comfortable
🎤dont leave baby alone. tummy time should be in 💯 total supervision.
🎤for new borns start tummy time on your chest, lap etc. Benefits of tummy time:
☑️Helps in developing neck, shoulder, legs, arm muscles.
☑️getting head control
☑️relieving gas and tummy pain
☑️ promotes gross motor skills.
☑️baby tries to explore more and become more active
☑️helps achieve #babymilestones like rolling crawling sitting walking Do you give tummy time to your baby? For how many hours/minutes?
andrea Kittan
06 Dec 2019