#askgorika mam my baby is suffering from lactogen intoerance ( green poty) so doctor prescribed him a lactose free formula milk ..but he is not taking tgat milk ? How should i manage and control his lactogen ?
Dhanashri Patil-Kulkarni
12 Apr 2018
Gorika Bansal
Hi dhanashri , if it’s lactose intolerance, usually the symptoms are loose motions , vomiting , poor weight gain , bloating , colic . Green potty does not signify lactose intolerance . And it’s fairly an uncommon condition to have congenital lactose intolerance . Secondary lactose intolerance due to tummy infections can happen . Kindly consult a pediatrician to ascertain the diagnosis whether it’s cows milk protein allergy or lactose intolerance. If yes then you may have to use lactose free formula , either soy based or amino acid based formula . Try another soy based formula brand for e.g. zerolac , isomil , lf100 etc . Amino acid based formula e.g. neonate are more expensive and may not be very palatable again. But if soy based formula does not work then we first try changing the brand and then shift over to amino based formula .
Gorika Bansal
12 Apr 2018