My baby is one and a half months old,I had a C-section and got hurt in my stitches badly,so doctor has given three medicines: 1.Rapeed D 2.Chymoral AP 3.Nurokind LC
My 1&2medines r finished and 3is up to Monday.
Sometimes my hands gets little puffy and again gets ok after sometime,my breast milk has became very very less.I m drinking 12 litres of water, is it ok?can I take any powder to increase milk supply?will there be any side effects?plz help doctor.
2.Chymoral AP 3.Nurokind LC
Rapeed D andChymoral AP is finished and Nurokind LC is up to Monday.I m getting hurt sometimes in my stomach and it pains a little. I m drinking 12 litres water a day
khushboo chouhan
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07 Jun 2018