Babies do not need to be trained how to sleep. Sleep is biological. It is one of 6 states of alertness. Sleep works in cycles between deep sleep & light sleep. During light sleep babies often rouse to a quiet alert state or a fussy state. They often need help to navigate these changes of state. Some are able to transition between states more smoothly than others; it is likely partly to do with personality of the baby & partly genetic.
Being able to transition between states is a developmental stage like walking & talking – babies do it when they are ready and not before! When babies are learning lots of new things or are in new environments, they often need more support to settle.⁣

"Sleep training" does not train a baby to sleep, it trains them not to ask for help. It works by taking away a response & expecting the baby to be able to regulate between awake and sleep states by themselves. They are often not developmentally capable of doing this & cry out. If crying doesn't bring the help they need they eventually shut down & stop asking. This is called an extinction technique. But this damages secure attachment & bonding. The baby is not getting their needs met. Research shows that a child who is securely attached to their primary caregiver will be more emotionally stable in later life; it fosters good mental health.⁣

Holistic sleep coaching is not sleep training. It teaches parents about biologically normal & age-appropriate sleep, & how babies can transition from one state to another. It supports parents to be responsive whilst making small, gentle changes that protect strong attachment but maximise their babies' natural potential to sleep in an age-appropriate way. Holistic Sleep Coaching is individualised to each family as each situation is unique. It also protects the breastfeeding & bedsharing relationship, which are both the biological norm. If parents wish to move away from these practices, then gentle transitions and alternatives can be suggested. But it also acknowledges that saying "this too shall pass" is not helpful for a sleep deprived parent who is struggling to function.
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