BabyChakra presents Community Cuddles. Every week we will post a cuddle with a topic.
We invite all the moms to share their experience, advice and their problems related to this topic. You can comment on this thread or post as anonymous separately using #Cuddle
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Motherhood is tough. But some times all we need is a warm cuddle.
Topic: The struggles and hardship of Breastfeeding
Thank you <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @616dad60b34e550013ec4947 </b></span> . You are so <u>right</u>
03 Aug 2018
It was C section.... So Doc adviced me take rest full day and night rest and no feeding .<br>
But I was eager to hold my girl and feed her ...As every new mom knows first feeding is really tough job , so I felt same problem but<br>
within a 8-9 hours feeding became easy and everything was on track .<br>
Breastfeeding is wonderful experience but it converted in to a difficult phase when I rejoin my office .
03 Aug 2018
Priya Sood
I never knew about the struggles of Breastfeeding. No one told me. I knew about nausea, back pain, sleepless nights. No one told me how tough it could be both physically and mentally. Imagine not being able to feed your new born who needs you. Guilt, helplessness and pain. My message to all new moms. ...pls talk about it. And do not give <u>up</u>
03 Aug 2018