#babysleep Hi , I'm really really struggling with my 15 month old night sleep 😥😥
He was EBF for 7 months , post which we started semi solids. Now we are on solid food. He's not a chubby baby but very very active and energetic. His paed doesn't see any other issues with him.
My problem is, the baby wakes thru out the night, upto 5 times even ( 3 times on a good day) and wants a feed. Then he falls asleep. Not for a SINGLE day in 15 months have I managed to get sound sleep and now it's getting on my nerves.
He naps once in the day , for 2-3 Hours. Then also he might wake up 1-2 times and goes back to sleep , when given bf.
His pee /poop / meal times are all regular.
When will he sleep thru the night? When will he be weaned off?? Please help !!
Pallavi Bhardwaj
12 Feb 2018
ruqaiya khan
Dear <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @59b28b81186ba968140da4b9 </b></font> , u have nothing to worry abt . What is happening here for ur baby sleep has nothing to.do with how much he eats or how active he is . This is a SLEEP ASSOCIATION. baby has associated breastfeeding with sleep. Wen he was small u must have breastfed him n he must have fallen asleep immediately. He now thinka only way I can sleep is if mommy breasfeds me. U have to break this association. As baby is older than 1 yr u will have alot of crying. Try ti avoid giving any breasfess wen.baby wakes up at night. Baby will cry try to pat him to sleep if he is crying alot offer some sips of water but do not breastfed him . U might have to not sleep 3 nights in a row. But after 2 nights baby will understand breastmilk is never given to him even.if he cries. U have to do this like a boot camp to remove this habit . After 3 nights he will sleep longer he will fall.asleep by himself. All the best to u .do not giveup before 3 nights.
12 Feb 2018
Anisha Agarwal
Start weaning off night feeds .. will cry for 3-4 days but will stop waking up.. when he wakes up dont feed .. try to rock back to sleep .. soon he ll adapt the change
ruqaiya khan
12 Feb 2018