The only people whose business it is when you stop breastfeeding
ARE YOU AND YOUR CHILD/REN Sometimes you start to get asked those annoying questions: Are you STILL breastfeeding? He's too old for that? When are you going to get her on "normal milk"? Oo they shouldn't be feeding if they can ask for it! Your child will never be independent. If you stop they will sleep... "We will stop when we are both ready" is a good answer. And then carry on until either one or both of you want to stop. Its nobody else's business. It is totally normal to breastfeed your baby throughout the first year, throughout the second year, and for as long as you want after that. Babies generally tend to self wean not before 18 mths and up to 4 years, although some will keep going longer if they're given the opportunity. It is natural and normal. It is great for their immunity when they start nursery or preschool. It is a great form of comfort and pain relief when they inevitably fall and bump themselves. And it is a lovely way to help toddlers regulate their BIG feelings. It also protects you from reproductive cancers; a longer duration of breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer for example. But if you're feeling like you want to stop before then, remember its a two way relationship and that's fine too. Just make sure you wean gently and respectfully.