What we make of our time ,is our choice . It's easy to switch the television on and hope to keep your child busy ,but what happens to the child's brain doesn't cross ours .
Everyday is a busy day no matter what ,for every single person but let's take a little time out from the busy schedule to help our little ones grow.
Today was our attempt to make a whole wheat cake in a gas ovem. Trust me guys ,it was a task, in our world of ovens with timers to try this the old fashion was was a task ,but so much fun.
My child whisked away ,mixed stuff ,got messy ,but ultimately it paid off and to add to that we spent some fun time together .
Yes ,I learnt to bake too .As well as I can cook yummy food from all cuisines ,baking is something I always took a step away from ,but today was the day for that too.
So ,come on ,put your chef hats on and whisk away ,before the child does or rather figure anything fun to do with them rather than hooking them on to the television sets .
Today was baking day ,today was baking day,yea yea all the fun ,today was baking day !!!!
12 Sep 2019
Roop Tara
Wow very nice post
12 Sep 2019
Akanksha Bhuri
Wow!!! Just today I baked blackcurrant muffins for my lil one too 😃😍
Roop Tara
12 Sep 2019