BALL PIT - TOSS A BALL . Throwing a ball is fav game for kids. To make it more interesting I made this quick and easy activity with the things available at home. This game is best for kids 9months - 5 years. . Things you need: . 🏀 Cardboard 🏀 balls 🏀 sketches 🏀 scissors . How to play: 🏀 Draw the circles and cut the circles as per the ball size. You can use different sized balls. 🏀 color the cardboard to make it colorful. Number the circles. 🏀 ask your little one to throw a ball. If the kid is under 18 months. They can just drop by sitting closely. For kids above 20 months can try to throw the ball from distance. 🏀 you can use DIY bean bags. . 💫 we can introduce colors, throwing a ball, focusing on the target, etc with this activity. Good for hand and eye coordination.
Dr. Rashi
06 Aug 2019