#bbcreatersclub#happyparenting ROOT CAUSE OF DISEASES Most diseases can be traced back to an unhealthy gut microbiome. Imbalance of bacteria in gut(disbyosis) is becoming increasing common, hence the rise in chronic disease among people. What damages the microbiome? Stress, vaccines, antibiotics, pesticides, chlorine, fried foods, alcohol, pesticides and thousands of other synthetic chemicals. What heals the microbiome? Relaxation, fresh air, garden fresh food, breast milk, vaginal birth, sobriety, walking barefoot, laying on the earth, touching dirt, leaves grass, fruit trees and swimming in clean natural water. Our disconnection from nature and our exposure to synthetic chemicals is the underlying cause of human illness. Cancer, depression, autism, anxiety, fibromyalgia, brain fog, auto immune and consciousness are directly affected by the health and ecology of your gut microbiome. I m children counselor for ADHD and ASD especially speech related issues . I m giving coaching to parents for these issues. Feel free to ping me on messenger
Madhavi Cholera
22 Oct 2019