Continuation on How to nurture friendships ✔️ Show that you can be trusted. Being responsible, reliable and dependable is key to forming strong friendships. Keep your engagements and arrive on time. Follow through on commitments you've made to your friends. When your friends share confidential information, keep it private. ✔️ Make yourself available. Building a close friendship takes time together. Make an effort to see new friends regularly, and to check in with them in between meet-ups. You may feel awkward the first few times you talk on the phone or get together, but this feeling is likely to pass as you get more comfortable with each other. ✔️ Manage your nerves with mindfulness. You may find yourself imagining the worst of social situations, and feel tempted to stay home. Use mindfulness exercises to reshape your thinking. Each time you imagine the worst, pay attention to how often the embarrassing situations you're afraid of actually take place. You may notice that the scenarios you fear usually don't happen. When embarrassing situations do happen, remind yourself that your feelings will pass, and you can handle them until they do. Yoga and other mind-body relaxation practices also may reduce anxiety and help you face situations that make you feel nervous. Remember, it's never too late to build new friendships or reconnect with old friends. Investing time in making friends and strengthening your friendships can pay off in better health and a brighter outlook for years to come.👍🏾👍🏾
20 Nov 2019
Rebecca Prakash
28 Nov 2019
Sania Bhushan
27 Nov 2019
Nayana Nanaware
Nicely written lovely post
26 Nov 2019
khushboo chouhan
That is true! In this busy life we tend to forget to nurture our frienships! I try to call all my close friends for 10-15mins once in every 15mins
Rebecca Prakash
28 Nov 2019