Hello lovely ladies, as I discussed earlier in chat group that I don't face sleepless nights....have set sleeping patren of Agamveer....just want to help momz through this post ......just go through...
How do I teach my baby to soothe himself/herself to sleep???
You can start teaching your baby good sleep habits as early as a few weeks after s/he's born – before he/ she's had much time to learn bad sleep habits. But even if your baby is no longer a newborn, trying the following suggestions can go a long way toward helping her fall asleep on his/her own.
• Establish a regular bedtime. Establish a Bedtime Routine for Baby. It's never too early to start a bedtimeroutine with your baby. In fact mostbabies will be receptive to a schedule around 6-8 weeks. Bedtime routines calm your child and prepare him/her for a good night's sleep, which is vital to happiness (both yours and Baby's) in the morning!
• Follow a consistent bedtime routine. A nightly ritual that includes three calm activities – such as reading a story, singing a lullaby, and having a cuddle – let her know it's time to go to sleep.
• Put your baby to bed drowsy but awake.Putting him/her to bed while he/she's still awake helps her practice falling asleep without you.
• Break the habit of feeding her to sleep. If your baby is used to falling asleep while breastfeeding or taking a bottle, he/she's not learning to fall asleep by himself/herself. Move your child's feeding so it falls earlier in the bedtime routine, or gradually shorten the time you spend feeding him/her.
Kuljeet kaur
22 Aug 2019