Being a mom of an autistic kid, have become highly attuned to kids and their behavior around me. And whenever I see a kid whom I know and if I see something 'off', I feel like telling their parents to get it checked. And maybe that's why my facebook wall is full of autism post. Because I realize that people don't want to hear anything when it comes to their kids.;
It's not that since we have an autistic child, we are looking to find tiniest faults in every child and label them as autistic. No, but when a child needs help, it's not about the parents anymore.;
I also understand that every child is different. And that they reach milestones in their own way. However, some signs cannot be ignored at all. However young the kid might be. My son was diagnosed at the age of 2. And I know kids who have been diagnosed as early as 1.5.;
When shaurya was 1.5, I knew he was autistic because whenever I heard my colleagues talking about their kids of same age group, I realized that my son is not doing anything they discuss. After a talk with my husband, who refuted my concerns initially,; we enrolled him in an old-school. He was 1.9 years old. But within 3 months the school told us that my son is not responding to name, is sitting in the corner and doesn't mingle with his peers. We immediately rushed to a new pediatrician and he directed us to a neuro pediatrician. The journey started. Of rounds to doctors and therapists. It was and still is very tough. But there are such golden beautiful moments that everything is worth all the efforts.;
Every parent thinks that their child is perfect. I do too,; he may not be a neurotypical child but he is perfect to me. But that doesn't mean that I won't recognize the fact that he needs help. And I request every parent to have an open mind, be receptive. We just want to help!😊
02 Apr 2018
Priya Sood
Bravo and salute Mamta
08 Feb 2019
Shruti Giri
Hugs n lots of love to both of you...he is absolutely perfect with a perfectly good; <u>heart</u>💓
02 Apr 2018
Aditi Ahuja
Hugs to you..and yes its true what you say..
02 Apr 2018
Neha Vij
Absolutely, he is just perfect who needs some extra love! Hugs to you and the kiddo
Priya Sood
08 Feb 2019