1. It increases their vocabulary 2. It encourages them to become a reader themselves 3. The diversity of characters in a book help them to know more about the world around them 4. It is a great way to bond together 5. It improves their concentration and helps in strengthening their brains 6. It develops the kid's imagination 7. Books full of morals and values help in developing empathy. 8. It helps them to understand that there are ways other than watching videos or TV to be occupied.
@6372e39b573f5c0015bc40b1 hey dear..you can check the babychakra site..there are a lot of books available..also begin with books which have a lot of pictures because little babies are attracted by pics and register them fast in their brains. I can see that your baby is 3 months old. So you can begin showing picture books to your child..
17 Jan 2018
Resham Java
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372e39b573f5c0015bc40b1 </b></font>; www.etllearning.com and ask For a demo.;
17 Jan 2018
Resham Java
I m user of ETL series For my kids and I just love them!!; Didn't bother to add anything they are just super...
17 Jan 2018
Sonam Chawla
plez suggest me some books n where to buy from
any books that u have been <u>using</u>
Sonam Chawla
18 Jan 2018