Breastfeeding is an experience different for every mother- baby pair. It is advisable to exclusive breastfeed till 6months and continue breastfeed till 1 year along with other age appropriate food.. Breastfeed provide ideal nutrition for your baby, help improve their immunity, good for their weight gain, helps you burn some extra calories, lowers your risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Saves you lot of time and money. Don't have to worry about sterilization of bottles.. it's free and available 24/7 with so many benefits try not to give up on breastfeeding.. #Initially we all have less milk try not to worry that is enough for your newborns needs.
#Babies will loose some weight in first few days that has nothing to do with your milk /supply so don't worry.
#KEEP FEEDING, the more you feed the more you will produce( your body knows demand and supply).
#Breastfeed your baby as much as he wants.
#Be calm and relax while feeding. Enjoy this time to bond with your baby. Gently crease his hair, hold his hands this will keep your baby calm and he will take nice feeding.. **If still you feel your milk is less speak to your doctor about it and he can prescribe formula for your baby.. don't feel less about yourself if it doesn't work out..
03 Aug 2018