Ingredients :
1. Broccoli - 5 florets washed
2. Potato - 1 small sized peeled and diced
3. Water/ Breastmilk / Formula - as required
4. Date puree can be used for sweetening however do not feed sugar / honey to babies below 12 months
Preparation :
1. In a pressure cooker steam the broccoli florets & potato pieces for 10 minutes.
2. Once they are tender and transparent , use a blender
3. Add water/ breastmilk / formula - as required
4. Mix it to a smooth consistency and avoid lumps.
5. Serve in a bowkl and feed with a baby spoon
Note: Breastfeeding is advised until 12 months and beyond as it is a rich source of nutrients for the baby
Disclaimer :
1. Please consult your doctor before introducing salt/sugar to your baby
2. We recommend avoiding sugar/salt until 1 year