if you feel like having it start with small quantity..may be some drops and then gradually the normal quantity.but if you don't feel like having then don't have just bcoz family members said so.bcoz it may lead to indigestion or gas problem which is not gud for yr stitches/ pasting whichever you hv.
15 Jun 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
yes the doctor is actually right.. it actually layers the unnecessary fats in body.. but if family insists then you can have only 1-2 spoons in a day.. not more than that.. and you can start after 5days of c-sec
15 Jun 2017
asha chaudhry
sakshi i think i also started after 2-3 weeks. just dont over do it. everything in moderation is good. <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d5a27c1b4770013bcb718 </b></font> what do u advise?
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15 Jun 2017
Sakshi Bansal
Dr said complete no to ghee.. acc to her body has no requirement of ghee as we Dnt do hardwrk... bt family insist me to have <u>it</u>
Ankita Popli
16 Jun 2017