Can anyone pls suggest What supplement drink can be given for 11 month old baby instead of breastmilk...she is refusing normal there any other health drink which could be given
vidhya shree
09 May 2019
Rebecca Prakash
Hi Pediasure is above 2 years and its clearly written in the pack. Vidhya WHO world health organizations recommends 2 years of breastfeeding or above. Till 1 year you have to give only breast milk, cow milk can be introduced only after 1 year and it's not mandatory. After one year baby should be on 3 meals plus 2 snacks , the importance has to be given to solids and family food. All the so called health drink contains lot of sugar which is definitely not good for anyone and it simply fills the tummy, Baby will skip the solids. It also creates preference towards sweet taste which again not good. At this age iron is more important, so give less than small cups of milk if baby wants to take .
Rebecca Prakash
09 May 2019