What was your husband's reaction to the BIG reveal about the pregnancy?
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our was planned pregnancy. as soon i missed by period date.my husband asked me to do pregnancy test. it was positive and he was the first one who know about my pregnancy and he only insisted me to do pregnancy test.
07 Sep 2017
Zeba Shaikh
My hubby was on top of the world...he went numb,he was not understanding wat to do..he was so excited to bring a new life into this world :)
07 Sep 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
he smiled like a 4 year old from ear to ear when he got back from the trip. i can never forget that look on his face as he came and gave me a biiiig hug and a kiss... it was priceless....
07 Sep 2017
Rebecca Prakash
My husband just kept saying wow wow then congratulations (duh😡) he believed only after my doctor confirmed by taking UPT at her clinic.
Shipra Dang
07 Sep 2017