Prolonged feeding practices along with the lack of maintaining oral hygiene in primary teeth, become the actual troublemakers when it comes to children’s teeth. This leads to a lot of children developing cavities as early as 20 months of age. White spots progress into yellowish lesions, which leads to tooth crumbling, sleepless nights for the child and parents due to pain and infection turning into swellings.
FYI : Prolonged bottle-feeding has been stated to be a causative factor for children to have crooked teeth. While breast-feeding stimulates suckling movements, which helps the child develop adequate lip closure and provides correct positioning of the tongue at rest, bottle-feeding may negatively influence the development of jaws and also the bite of your child. There is inadequate muscle development and incorrect tongue positioning, which develops due to the sucking action of the bottle. This in turn disturbs the dynamic facial development. The child should be made to progress to drinking milk from a cup after the first birthday. Oral hygiene knowledge and brushing technique must be introduced to children by parents. A child teeth specialist can always help you in this journey.
Madhavi Cholera
18 Dec 2019