Good quality fats include nuts and seeds like walnuts, almonds, chia, flax, etc. Also cold pressed oils, pure ghee and butter.
It is also important that topical application of good quality pure oils (not the commercial ones with flavours and aromas) but the cold pressed varieties like coconut oil, mustard oil should be done.
The consumption and application of good fat makes sure that the nervous system works optimally. The development of the brain needs these fats.
The subcutaneous fat ie. under the skin is very important layer of protection and not the bad fat responsible for diseases. The fat is good, sugar is bad.
Especially for girl child the secondary features like attractive breast size can be achieved by giving healthy fats in childhood while maintaining a slim body. While consumption of refined foods and sugar leads to overweight and obesity.
Also, it is important that you do not give fried foods or recycled fats. That will have exactly the opposite effect on health.
14 Jan 2017
What is good quality fats Nikhil that can be included?
14 Jan 2017
nikhil chaudhary
yes you can slowly start giving the baby oats.
It would be better to start with softer grains like rice. Probably you would have already started. Make sure you give your child whole grains only. Red rice porridge is a good option. It has been found that giving whole grains like Red Rice early in life such as infancy reduces the chances of allergies later in life.
Babies should also be given good quality fat also. you can start giving such foods in small quantities.
nikhil chaudhary
14 Jan 2017